Forum Discussion

just2try's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

"Peer not authenticated" only when using HTTP Proxy

when I connect to my web service (published on internet) passing through the company's HTTP Proxy, I always have the "Peer not authenticated" error.
This error doesn't appear when I connect directly (no Proxy) via ADSL, without touching anything in my SoapUI 4.5.2 Preferences other then clearing the Proxy settings.

Is there any other option I need to set for passing through the Proxy?


15 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    I believe this isn't a bug, but due to the fact that the proxy configuration confuses Apache HttpClient, the third party library used by SoapUI to send HTTP and HTTPS requests.

    One user who had this problem managed to configure his way around it:

    Kind regards,
    Manne, SoapUI developer
  • I had exactly the same problem. Looks like the route-ca, that issued the server's ssl-certificate was not contained in the "cacerts" that comes with Soapui.
    My solution was to import the server's ssl-certificate into cacerts like this:
    1) open a http session to the server and download the certificate (eg cer - file)
    2) switch to the jre\lib\security - path of soapuim, make a backup of cacerts.
    3) Import the cer-File to the cacerts-File like this:
    keytool -import -alias <alias> -file <cer> -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
    where <alias> is the hostname ( and
    <cer> is the filepath to the cer-file.

    I have no idea why this is only an issue when working with a proxy: I didn't have any problem while not working with a proxy.

    Hope this is helpful to anyone..
    bth: we have been using Soupui 4.6.4.
  • Came across the same problem with SoapUI 4.6.4, an https-JIRA 4.4.3 and a company proxy configured.
    JIRA uses a CA-signed(!) certificate and if the signing certificate is not available in SoapUI's cacerts, it fails to login to JIRA.

    Solution was:
    - export the signing certificate from my Firefox certificate store into a file
    - add the certificate to SoapUI's cacerts file with keytool -import -alias <alias> -file <cer> -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit

    <alias> must be a unique name in the cacerts file (the keystore), but keytool warn you, if you try to overwrite. I chose the same name as my firefox displays it.
    <cer> is the file where the export from Firefox has gone to.

    SoapUI's cacerts file is in it installation path, on my Win7 machine in C:\Program Files\SoapUI-4.6.4\jre\lib\security

    After having the certificate imported, I restarted SoapUI and then it was able to log me in to JIRA without any problems and with a proxy configured.
  • atul55's avatar
    New Contributor
    Solution suggested by nschleut of adding the certificate as trusted certificate in cacerts did work for me. Thanks nschleut.