Hey nsinghal
I can't see the rest of your Grid DataSource test step, nor can I see what objects are in your testcase hierarchy - so it's difficult to see what is happening - you say the value is being passed as a single value currently - but I'm not too sure what you actually mean by this.
From your description - I suspect you might be talking about the fact that the REST step executes once and only the first row in your DataGrid is being submitted - is that what you mean?
However - then I started changing my mind and thinking perhaps you had more than one testdata value in your DataGrid - but you were injecting only a single value (like you only created one property.
Now, I've changed my mind again and I'm thinking that you're saying each row of data in your Grid is a single record and each comma separated value should actually go to a different json attribute in your payload.
and now I've changed my mind again and that you are expecting the discrete cell of comma separated values to populate the json array fine.
See? I just keep thinking of possible options. This is my fault cos I'm too literal a lot of the time, so it means that I just need things laid out clearly.
Some of the more clever people on the forum might be able to get you, but I'm just a bit too confused.
If you can provide the following, I'll be able to answer your question and sort what you need.
**A screenshot of the test case hierarchy (I'd like to see the objects in yoru test case - so I can see the flow of sequential steps in your test)
**A Screenshot of all of the DataGrid test step AFTER you've run the DataGrid step ? (so I can see the properties on the left, the resultset at bottom and the full DataGrid content in the Configuration frame (so I can see how you have it configured and the results of the DataGrid test step running)
**Clear explanation for a single test, what value you are expecting to populate the "taxCodes" array
**Can you confirm you have a DataSourceLoop test step included in your test?
If you can supply all that, I'll answer asap with your answer.