I don't know if I may be misunderstanding you or not - so I might not be helping at all here.
Are you talking about passing a header value from a request's response to subsequent test steps? If this is the case then the following might help (unless I misunderstand).
@Bill_In_Irvine gave me the following to extract a header value and pass it to a Properties step (so cred goes to Bill for this - not me)
//Takes one of the elements of the response Header
def value = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["REST request step name"].testRequest.response.responseHeaders["headername"]
//Read this value into a parameter
def groovyUtils = new context )
groovyUtils.setPropertyValue("Properties", "headername",value[0])
I then just added in a header parameter on each of the requests and sourced the value from the Properties file.
I hope this helps, but I'm not clear exactly about what you are asking,