You've got escaped json which isn't being read by ReadyAPI!s json parser which is why you cant use the embedded functionality to grab the values you want.
You have a couple of choices here - theres an RequestFilter.afterRequest event handler (published in soapui.org) that is pretty handy - for altering responses accordingly.
the script to remove CDATA tag handlers from xml is as follows:
def content = context.httpResponse.responseContent
content = content.replaceAll( "<!\\[CDATA\\[", "" )
content = content.replaceAll( "]]>", "" )
//log.info( content )
context.httpResponse.responseContent = content
So - click on the events tab and add a RequestFilter.afterRequest handler.
Set its content to something like the following - you just need to alter this to remove the backslashes from your responses
def content = context.httpResponse.responseContent
content = content.replaceAll( "\\\\\", "" )
//log.info( content )
context.httpResponse.responseContent = content
I think that's it - I always get confused how many escapes I need to do this - you might need to play with the number of backslashes in the script - but thats the basis of what you need - add that event handler in - and it should alter the content of your responses removing the backslash resulting in the response 'appearing' as non-escaped .json in your outline tab in the response resulting in you being able to use the embedded functionality to correlate/grab the dynamic session variables using normal property transfer.
hope this helps,