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richie's avatar
Community Hero
7 years ago

Open Question Sorry! - General Ideas To Improve My SoapUI Testing?



I understand that open questions are frowned upon (with good reason) and along with VSTSing/jenkinsing my SoapUI projects my boss has just landed me with his next wish list.


He feels that our SoapUI efforts aren't maturing and wants world class integration testing so he we can roll out the approach/processes/procedures to other programmes who are far behind our SoapUI efforts.


I know this is a rubbish post, but I'm hoping some of you guys might have some ideas how to improve what we've already got - I know you don't know what I've got - but essentially it's just running some soapUI projects to exercise various APIs, ensuring the projects can be run with zero interaction other than a click of the Run button.


Ignoring the version controlled project files and CI/CDing the work - at the moment I'm thinking better reporting, looking at the contract coverage options, perhaps developing all the APIs in a VIRT (so Dev can just switch between a VIRT and live code options) - but I was wondering if anyone has perhaps any other pointers I can research.


An example my boss came up with was the way the Performance testing here has matured - we use JMeter, but they started integrating with OctoPerf as this simplifies a lot of the effort.  Perhaps theres a tool I'm unaware of that SoapUI would integrate with to streamline the test creation/analysis process?


the testing is purely API/Integration/Interface testing.


Again - I'd like to apologise - I appreciate open questions are rubbish - but if anyone has any pointers to get me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it!


Thanks to all!



  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero

    Actually this is an interesting question since I am having the same struggles now. I'm trying to do something more and bring the regression to the next level.


    For now I just started to take note of every failing test case to see why they do it/ how stable they are/ why they aren't (if that's the case). I also try to keep up to date with everything that is new here so I am better prepared for the possible situations I might encounter at work.


    Another thing I want to change in my SoapUI tests is to make my tests more clear and more simple. Ideally everything in my project should be understandable by a novice.