Forum Discussion

superv0672's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Need help with load test. Appears I'm reusing same row over and over. Please help!

I am using SoapUI Pro 5.0. I have smoke-tested my test case, but when I try and perform a load test, my assertions fail because I keep re-using the same row of data for each request. What am I doing incorrectly? (Note: with this test I am unable to reuse the same row more than once).



3 Replies

    • superv0672's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Test Case: Data Source, Request, DataSource Loop

      DataSource Loop: DataSource Step = Data Source and the Target Step is the Request


      I set up the DataSource to share between running threads during a Load Test. I also have it set to Fail on Empty.


      I'm also noticing during my load test I am not getting any metrics during the test. Metrics only appear after my load test has stopped. I have SoapUI Pro 5.0.0.




      • GillerM's avatar

        This isn't really a known issue.  From your setup it also looks like everything is configured as it should be


        I'd recommend logging a ticket with support (


        You are using a legacy version, they will recommend an upgrade since you're about 8 major versions behind.  But support / customer care can still look at your project and recommend additional troubleshooting setup