Looping Test Case - write out REST response value from each loop for use later
I'm struggling to actually describe what I need - it is a property transfer - but I want the values to persist after each loop to be used later.
I have a test case that sources .json files from a directory datasource - has a couple of POSTs in it, then loops around to use the next file in the directory. A value in the first POST is used in the second POST - which is straightforward property transfer - this I can do.
Test Case hierarchy is as follows:
Datasource (Directorytype) sourcing multiple .json files (fileContents property) POST1 (${DataSource #fileContents} PropertyTransfer (${POST1#phonecallid}) Properties (phonecallid = 1234567) POST2 (${Properties#phonecallid}) Datasource Loop
HOWEVER -as well as the phonecallid, there is another unique reference (entityid) that I need to grab from the POST1 request each time it executes for later use (I've simplified the test case quite a bit), so that if I have 10 .json files in my Datasource, I get 10 entityid values written somewhere. If I do this as a propertytransfer, the value will be overwritten each loop iteration.
I need some way to grab the entityid value from each loop and save it somewhere for later (properties step, testsuite property, maybe a flat file) - but as I say - if do just a normal property transfer - the value will be overwritten each loop iteration.
have I just said the same thing twice? told you I was struggling to explain!
I hope I've explained myself clearly!
thanks to all for any advice/guidance/tips/help anyone can provide!
richie, ideal solution is to store enityids in a test suite property as a comma separated values. I will update the post if I find a better solution.
For now, you could store entity id values in a flat file.
import net.sf.* import net.sf.json.* import groovy.json.JsonSlurper //## Get Directories ##// def projectPath = context.expand('${projectDir}') //Parse json response def response = context.expand( '${RESTRequest#Response}' ) def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText response //get entityId record from json response def entityId = json.entityid log.info "creating EntityID file..." //## Populate entityId data file ##// def entityIdFile = projectPath + "\\entityId.txt" entityData = new File(entityIdFile) log.info "entityID from the rest request is - $entityId" log.info "Writing entityId to datafile..." entityData.append("$entityId" +'\r\n')
It will be nice to clear the file once you execute desired testcase or testSuite. (Probably in testSuite or project teardown script or a separate groovy step)
//## Get Directories ##// def projectPath = context.expand('${projectDir}') log.info "Clearing EntityID file..." def entityIdFile = projectPath + "\\entityId.txt" entityData = new File(entityIdFile) entityData .delete() // Clear File Contents //