Forum Discussion

lanahorton's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

LoadUI Pro Tutorial - not getting results

I have downloaded a trial version of LoadUI Pro 2.6.5 and unfortunately, am stuck on Step 3, "Run The Project", of its associated tutorial.

Step 3 states,
Congratulations, you have now created and are running a load test! You will see the Requests counter on the Runner increasing at a rate of 10 requests per second.

I see no counter increments after clicking the run button.

I also see no test run results when I click the Statistics tab.

Either I'm missing something, or the tutorial is missing something, or the trial version doesn't return any actual results.

BTW, have tried hitting my own webpage and also my company's webpage with this tutorial at 10 requests per second, as instructed in the tutorial.

2 Replies

  • Hi!

    Could you give us your project file (or a screenshot of your project)? Please attach it to a reply in this forum or do it via our support form (with a reference to this post).


    LoadUI team
  • lanahorton's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    My starter project was a simple opening of a website. One file content pasted below the following information about my existing project.

    We are in the process of evaluating LoadUI for the purpose of running Rest API calls on hand-held devices. I am looking at SoapUI Runner, but our existing scripts call resources and rely on custom properties in SoapUI. I don't see a way to incorporate those into SoapUI Runner after looking at yutorials and searching this forum. I only have a few days to finish my evaluation, so anything you can assist to get all parameters into the attributes of my scripts will help.

    The following sample script (existing in-house project) creates a unique RequestId, picks up the static ApiClientId (this can be hard-coded), picks up the AuthTranId from Properties (unique identifier created and transferred to Properties in previous steps), and lastly pulls the SMSPin (created and transferred to Properties in previous steps) - some parameters are pulled from the Test Suite Custom Properties and could be included in the Properties step of the test:

    "RequestId" : "${DataGen - RequestId#RequestId}",
    "ApiClientId" : "${#TestSuite#ApiClientId}",
    "SubClientId" : "",
    "AuthenticateTransactionId" : "${Properties#AuthTranID}",
    "Passcode" : "${Properties#SMSPin}"

    In the meantime, per your request/reply to my question about why the trial version is not returning any results when attempting to access a website multiple times...

    Here is the content of the '' file:
    #Tue Dec 10 13:16:38 MST 2013
    LABEL=2013-12-10 13\:16

    'EvalProject1_2013-12-10_131611-560.trace.db' file contains too many characters to post here and I don't see anywhere on this template to attach a file.