9 years agoOccasional Contributor
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Certificates does not
I am unable to get any request to pass that requires a cert. The error I see is: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Certificates does not conform to alg...
- 9 years ago
Working with SmartBear support, they were able to help identify the issue. Here are the details in the event anybody else runs into this in the future:
Starting with Ready API 1.4 they began using Java 1.8 which uses TLS 1.2 as default (as opposed to 1.1 which java 1.7 uses). Adding "-Dsoapui.sslcontext.algorithm=TLSv1" to the ReadyAPI.vmoptions file plus commenting out "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" line in java security fixes the issue we were having with certs.