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bench's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

issue while using SQL Functions in Ready API SoapUI JDBC request


Do you know if its possible to use an existing SQL functions that already created in the oracle DB on JDBC request?

in my case im trying to create a validation test step that calling SQL function that returning TRUE/FALSE in case test passed accordingly.

once running the query in oracle DB directly im reciving an output

but once running same query on same DB connection using JDBC request its fails with the bellow log info

  • 2018-08-28 11:03:46.670 - Error getting response; java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00911: invalid character

im using the connection driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

i will be thankfull to get your advise :-)

  • Kind of out of ideas except for the fact that you need to not end the query with a semicolon. So instead of

    select EF_CHECK_EVENT_ID(Event_ID) from dual;

    you could try

    select EF_CHECK_EVENT_ID(Event_ID) from dual

    Sorry pal. 

4 Replies

  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero

    hmmm.. what is the exact query that you are doing? What does the query return? Is there a way to look into the db log?

    • bench's avatar
      New Contributor


      Thank you for your reply,

      The query i'm using to call the function is (this query works in DB but not in JDBC request):

      select EF_CHECK_EVENT_ID(Event_ID) from dual;


      its return string: 'TRUE'/'FALSE' PSB create function syntax





         Counter NUMBER;

         Return_value VARCHAR2 (5);


        --function is checking if the event id persisted in the DB in RE table

        SELECT COUNT (*) INTO Counter FROM abpappo1.ape1_rated_event A WHERE Event_id_in = A.Event_id;

        IF Counter = 0 THEN Return_value := 'FALSE';

          ELSE Return_value := 'TRUE';

        END IF;

       RETURN Return_value;





      • Lucian's avatar
        Community Hero

        Kind of out of ideas except for the fact that you need to not end the query with a semicolon. So instead of

        select EF_CHECK_EVENT_ID(Event_ID) from dual;

        you could try

        select EF_CHECK_EVENT_ID(Event_ID) from dual

        Sorry pal.