I think I need to copy an entire Service End Point.
I am in a bit of a quandary and I cannot figure out how to handle. I will try to explain.
I have a large suite of tests that basically use one Service End Point call it Customer Graph. Under that End Point there are many Resources and Methods.
Now we have come to a point where some of our tests within that suite will need point to one domain and some will point to another. I cannot do this by simply adding a new environment variable because that will still point all tests to this one service endpoint.
Basically I would love to copy the entire CustomerGraph Service End Point and call it TransactionGraph then I would update some tests to use this new end point and many will use the old.
I can’t see a way to copy an entire endpoint and all the resources below.
Is there a way to perform this process?
Am I doing something wrong or thinking incorrectly here?
Thank you.
within 1 test I need to cross endpoints.
So I need access to both endpoints simultaneously.