Forum Discussion

waynemmn's avatar
9 years ago

I think I need to copy an entire Service End Point.


I am in a bit of a quandary and I cannot figure out how to handle.   I will try to explain.


I have a large suite of tests that basically use one Service End Point call it Customer Graph.  Under that End Point there are many Resources and Methods.

Now we have come to a point where some of our tests within that suite will need point to one domain and some will point to another.   I cannot do this by simply adding a new environment variable because that will still point all tests to this one service endpoint.

Basically I would love to copy the entire CustomerGraph Service End Point and call it TransactionGraph then I would update some tests to use this new end point and many will use the old.

I can’t see a way to copy an entire endpoint and all the resources below.   


Is there a way to perform this process?

Am I doing something wrong or thinking incorrectly here?

Thank you.

  • within 1 test I need to cross endpoints. 


    So I need access to both endpoints simultaneously. 



  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Multiple domains meaning as in and
    • waynemmn's avatar

      and all the rest of the URL would be the same. 

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        In my opinion, you should not be copying in this case.

        At the service level, set the end point first domain and run the tests. Similarly you can do the same for 2nd domain.

        When you send the endpoint, there is assign button to set all the requests and test steps.

        Also you can set the end point while running from command line with out modifying the project each time you want to change the domain to test against.

        See the command line options for testrunner for more details.