Forum Discussion

rahulsri's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

I am trying to generate report through cli but not able to generate it using the cammands.

Hi ,

i am not able to generate report using CLI, i am using following cammand 

  • securitytestrunner.bat -FPDF -f"C:\Test Results" -R"JUnit-Style HTML Report" -nSecurityTest1 "C:\my projects\my-project.xml


    i am able to run the test cases with the cammand line but not get the report , as the folder C:\Test Results is generated but report is not ,

    i have got both SOAPUI pro and Secure Pro license.

    Please help me out asap.


5 Replies

  • JUnit Style report does not exist for Secure tests, you can generate a SecurityTest Report of type PDF or Data Export.



    • rahulsri's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi i am not able to generate the pdf file and xml file for the security test run as using this cammnd

      "securitytestrunner.bat -r -a -fC:\SoapUI\Support\temp\report -R"Project Report" -FPDF,XML -EDefault  project.xml"


      my scans is running and i am getting failures also but not able to generate the report.

      While able to generate it through testRunner


    • rahulsri's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      One more question is that i have to pass header parameters from cammand line so how can we send that in our request

      and how to write test case for GET rest api where we have to get something on behalf of some value.


      i have to get on behalf of value

      • rahulsri's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Hi team please reply this quicky ,

        as i am running the security scan from gui i and getting 53 issue in 679 scans while when i am running the same xml through cammnd run runner as stated in earlier conversation i am not getting any issue ,

        The issue which i am getting in gui format is warning so whether i will not get any warning scenario through CLI