How to remove auto populated fields in SOAPUI Pro request?
- 9 years ago
Are you using the "Form" view of the request editor? As I can replicate the behaviour you describe by deleteing data from the "XML" view, switching to the "Form" view and then when going back to the "XML" view and elements with minOccurs=1 are recreated
My guess (and this is a guess) is that when going from the "Form" view to the "XML" view, Ready API has to recreate the XML, thus all it can use to do that is the WSDL contract, thus if the contract states minOccurs=1 then it will add the element. Perhaps somebody from SmartBear can confirm?
Fundamentally though if you have minOccurs=1 it is mandatory, regardless what somebody may say. Saying that, if your problem is caused by the "Form" view as described above, you can set the default SOAP request editor in the preferences to "Source" and never switch to the "Form", though to be honest I would only see this as a very temporary work around as simply switching to the Form view (a very common thing) will break your tests.