Forum Discussion

pmagr's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

How to programatically create stuff?

Looking to migrate extensive existing test collection in a dead format to SoapUI Pro - can anyone direct me to the documentation required to create an importer?

  • pmagr 


    Creating a plugin is a large task. I linked you to the top level so you could do your own research as you hadn't given much detail as to what tool you're working with or what you're trying to achieve.


    By 'Visual Studio web tests' do you mean the Load/Performance tests that were recently deprecated in Visual Studio? i.e. this?


    You can take a look at the Postman Importer source code as a starting point but yours may look very different.


    I don't work for SmartBear so I can only speculate that importing competitors projects are not as sought by their customers as say supporting the latest and greatest technology. That being said you could make a feature requrest to SmartBear. They may be interested to implement this if there was enough people interested in making the switch.



8 Replies

    • pmagr's avatar
      New Contributor

      How does one get started create a plugin to support importing? That appears to be a link to the top level of the plugin documentation.


      Is importing test cases in various formats not a common use case for SoapUI?


      Edit: Looks like replies don't actually show who they're replying to...


      HimanshuTayal  nmrao Yes, I am trying to import a collection of tests from another format, namely Visual Studio Web Tests which have been deprecated.


      sonya_m No, my problem has not been resolved, the issue was just deprioritized for a couple weeks.

      • thePantz's avatar



        Creating a plugin is a large task. I linked you to the top level so you could do your own research as you hadn't given much detail as to what tool you're working with or what you're trying to achieve.


        By 'Visual Studio web tests' do you mean the Load/Performance tests that were recently deprecated in Visual Studio? i.e. this?


        You can take a look at the Postman Importer source code as a starting point but yours may look very different.


        I don't work for SmartBear so I can only speculate that importing competitors projects are not as sought by their customers as say supporting the latest and greatest technology. That being said you could make a feature requrest to SmartBear. They may be interested to implement this if there was enough people interested in making the switch.



  • pmagr :


    What is "dead collection" ?

    Are you talking about porting existing Suite created in other tool to SoapUI Pro??


    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Thank you for your help, Community!


      Hi pmagr. Were you able to achieve this? Please let us know your progress and we can continue helping you here if you still need this:smileyhappy: 

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    "test collection in a dead format" - what does it mean?