Forum Discussion
Hey 白夜有点黑
I don't think I'll be much help on this - but firstly is this a custom header? in the details below - you represent the header and value as 'Purpose: Prefetch' - but I know there is already a 'Prefetch' http header - but there isn't a standard one known as 'Purpose' - can you clarify what you mean by 'Purpose: Prefetch'?
You haven't supplied a list of the other headers in your requests - the values of some of the other headers 'could' be impacting other headers - especially custom ones - could you list out all the headers for both the fiddler and soapui requests - perhaps a screenshot?
nmrao responded to a similar issue several years ago where he manually added a custom User-Agent header in the request (without setting the "User-Agent header" option in the Preferences) - the link is as follows: link - perhaps this will help?
Here is the whole request headers:
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
purpose: preview
x-purpose: preview
x-moz: preview
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
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- 11 months ago