6 years agoNew Contributor
How to generate load test report ONLY for REST request steps(i.e. excluding datasource/loop steps)
Using SoapUI pro 5.1.2 licensed version. I have atestcase including multiple datasource steps, datasource loops and request steps, total 17 steps.On generating load test report using soap ui pro it's becoming very difficult to understand the chart for 17 steps , also my requirement is to see the chart only for rest request steps
while generating the load test report,want to exclude datasource/data loop steps from it i.e. want to have reports only for REST request steps, is there any wqay to achive it in soapui pro 5.1.2 version?
testSuite.getTestCaseList().each {testcase -> testcase.getTestStepsOfType(com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.RestTestRequestStep.class).each {
teststep ->
// do something } }FYI