Forum Discussion

Bishal's avatar
8 years ago

How to execute a SQL query which includes temp table ( creates and inserts ) - JDBC Step


I have a JDBC test step with a SQL Query which  has a temp table on it. I am not able to execute this query. Every time i try to execute i get below XML response. Anyone has any idea? Thanks. 





  • This is solved, i used


    def a = context.expand( '${DataSource#a}' )
    def b = context.expand( '${DataSource#b}' )


    sql.eachRow("""Declare @PortfolioOldCode varchar(3) = ${a},
    @EndDate Date = ${b},


    insted of 


    sql.eachRow("""Declare @PortfolioOldCode varchar(3) = context.expand( '${DataSource#a}' ),
    @EndDate Date = context.expand( '${DataSource#b}' )




    sql.eachRow("""Declare @PortfolioOldCode varchar(3) = a,
    @EndDate Date = b



    -- Thanks for helping in guys 





11 Replies

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    Based on what I know of JDBC test steps and queries, this would be the expected result of a SQL query that creates/inserts. What are you expecting to see in return? 

    • Bishal's avatar

      So basically the query Declares some parameters, create temp table, inserts into that table from Stored proc . Then it does some data manipulation on that temp table and selects some columns to display. It should return the results with columns that are selected ( which it does in sql server ). But in JDBC step on SOAP UI it doesn't. Also, if i try to run any-other query which doesn't have create and insert statement in query it works fine. 


      • PaulMS's avatar
        Super Contributor

        If you want to avoid using groovy script, is it possible to separate the SQL query into a few JDBC request test steps?


        Step 1 create temp table, inserts etc

        Step 2 selects some columns to display

        Step 3 drop table if necessary