Forum Discussion

seemamu's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

how to capture teststep status as pass/fail using groovy to write it in txt file

i am trying to generate txt file with pass/fail status for each test step using grrovy. Can anyone help me please ?
  • Lucian's avatar
    7 years ago

    This can be done very simply by using the following TearDown Script:


    // Define variables for holding test suites, test cases and test steps
    def testSuites
    def testCases
    def testSteps
    // Get all the test suites from the project
    testSuites = project.testSuiteList
    File file = new File("C:\\Users\\luciana\\Desktop\\test.txt")
     * Iterate through each test suite, test case and test step
    testSuites.each() {
    	// Log test suite name
    	file << "-----------------------------------\n"
    	file << "Running test suite: " + it.getName() + "\n"
    	file << "-----------------------------------\n"
    	// Get a list with the contained test cases
    	testCases = it.getTestCaseList()
    	testCases.each() {
    		// Log test case name
    		file << "-----------------------------------\n"
    		file << "Running test case: " + it.getName() + "\n"
    		file << "-----------------------------------\n"
    		// Get a list with the contained test steps
    		testSteps = it.getTestStepList()
    		testSteps.each() {
    			file << it.getName() + " - " + it.getAssertionStatus() + "\n"


    You can download the whole project from


    Cheers! :cathappy: