Forum Discussion
Thanks for the reply. If testrunner isn't available at the project level is there a way to reset every datasource of every testcase at the end of the run. I have it working at the testcase level but would like it to be a bit of script that sits in the teardown script of the project. The scripts I've included currently sit at the TestCase level
class TearDownForSelectedMarkets{ def static resetTestCaseSettings(testRunner, context, log){ //reset the data to original path DataSource.setDataPath(testRunner,context,log) //reset the datasource path def dataSourceStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("DataSource") dataSourceStep.getDataSource().setFileName('${#TestCase#DataPath}/${#TestCase#DataFile}') //delete global property com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties.removeProperty("region") //delete temporary folder/file } }
class StartUpForSelectedMarkets{ def static setRegionAsGlobalProperty(testRunner, context, log){ //set global property - SETUP SCRIPT def objGlobalProperties = com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties objGlobalProperties.setPropertyValue("region", "ca ie") } }
Hi caz88 ,
Try below code hope it will help.
def suiteCount = project.testSuiteCount def testCaseCount for(i=0;i<suiteCount;i++){ testCaseCount = runner.project.getTestSuiteAt(i).getTestCaseCount(); for(j=0;j<testCaseCount;j++){ //work when DataSource Step name is "DataSource" def dStep = runner.project.getTestSuiteAt(i).getTestCaseAt(j).getTestStepByName("DataSource"); if(dStep != null ){ //reset here "contains datasource step" } else{ //these are the cases where DataSource step doesn't exist "doesn't contains datasource step" } } }
- caz886 years agoOccasional Contributor
I appreciate the suggestion but ideally I want to use it in my SetUp script to alter the Datasource if there is a global property availableWhen I try to use runner.project in the setup script I keep getting an error?
- HimanshuTayal6 years agoCommunity Hero
caz88 ,
runner variable is avaible at setup script level, refer below link
It will be helpful if you can attach any screenshot.
- caz886 years agoOccasional Contributor
HimanshuTayal I'm trying to get the logic from the groovy script I've written working at the project level. Currently the functionality requires me to include a groovy script within each testcase. I was wanting to be able to use the same logic in a setup script to reduce the amount of code needed to be inserted into the project. Can we use Java libraries in setup scripts? I'm not sure it is even possible to transfer this approach to a setup script at project level.
class SelectedMarkets{ def static selectMarketsToRunTests(testRunner, context, log){ def dataPath def dataFile def headers def rowLine //get the specifcic global property def objGlobalProperties = com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties; def regionToRun = objGlobalProperties.getPropertyValue("region") def regionArray = regionToRun.tokenize(); regionArray //get original dataPath dataPath = context.expand( '${#TestCase#DataPath}' ) //get original dataFile dataFile = context.expand( '${#TestCase#DataFile}' ) //read current file FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(dataPath +"/"+dataFile); DataInputStream data = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(data)); //find relevant lines and then write to another file while ((rowLine = br.readLine()) != null){ if(rowLine.contains("locale")){ headers = "$rowLine" headers; } regionArray.each{ //if finds global property write to new file if(rowLine.contains(it) && !rowLine.contains("locale")){ //create temporary file def tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp" + dataFile, ".csv") //write revalent locales to temp file headers += "\n$rowLine" tempFile.write headers headers //set the datasource to the temp file def dataSourceStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("DataSource") dataSourceStep.getDataSource().setFileName(tempFile.absolutePath) } } } data.close(); } }
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