Forum Discussion

vikititor's avatar
5 years ago

How start ServiceV on ethernet port instead of on localhost

I am user of ReadyAPI PRO. 

Now I created some virtual service - it is listenning on "localhost" but I need to send some request in to it form public ethernet. Because there are other security settings than on localhost.

I am unable to change listenning on some other URL than localhot. 

Please let me know, how to start virtual service form external ethernet like


It is feasible?

I just test it in free SoapUI.. there is no problem..  I am using licensed software. Thanks a lot. I did not found any way, how to change localhost to

  • I finally understand of Smartbear policy.. 

    Pay again, pay again.. 

    Like in the beginning: download ReadyAPI with SoapUI PRO (reasonable - I know why, add value is know).

    Once when I developed a huge MOCK with quite long scripts.. all works on localhot. I did not get idea, that I have to pay extre 1000 EUR (COMMON.. this is a lot!) for running MOCK on ethernet.

    As a solution (thanks looong investigation and late response on community server) was choicen free version of SoapUI.

    Thanks to succeded migration scipts form PRO to free I found, that I can realay on SoapUI only for the future. 

    So in the end.. Good news for as. We dont have to pay for licenses. 

    Thank you. 

    • vikititor's avatar

      I finally understand of Smartbear policy.. 

      Pay again, pay again.. 

      Like in the beginning: download ReadyAPI with SoapUI PRO (reasonable - I know why, add value is know).

      Once when I developed a huge MOCK with quite long scripts.. all works on localhot. I did not get idea, that I have to pay extre 1000 EUR (COMMON.. this is a lot!) for running MOCK on ethernet.

      As a solution (thanks looong investigation and late response on community server) was choicen free version of SoapUI.

      Thanks to succeded migration scipts form PRO to free I found, that I can realay on SoapUI only for the future. 

      So in the end.. Good news for as. We dont have to pay for licenses. 

      Thank you. 

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        > I finally understand of Smartbear policy..

        Good. Old school guys used to read documentation first and evaluate. And only after that they are starting to dig. :)


        > We dont have to pay for licenses.

        I believe that customers of your product do not pay you either, don't they?


        > Pay again, pay again.. 

        And the fact that SoapUI OS (open source) is provided by the same company tells you nothing?