how MOCK read request data from attachement
exists some way, how to read this request in ReadyAPI MOCK service?
My AUT (Application under test) sends text file in POST. I need to return JSON with somem value form the text file.
But how to do that?
My RAW request looks like:
POST http://localhost:9000/rest/submit HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="----=_Part_2_1159636768.1573464138308" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Length: 132451 Host: localhost:9000 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_181) ------=_Part_2_1159636768.1573464138308 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=example1.tdf Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-Disposition: form-data; name="example1.tdf"; filename="example1.tdf" 1.01:1431.02:03001.09:MBI20191107151008-IDE-000651.11:00.001.12:00.00
I must extract this string "MBI20191107151008-IDE-00065" from it = each time will have differed value. And then send his value to the AUT in JSON.
How to read it? It is even possible in Soapui?
> It is even possible in Soapui?
Yes, I believe that this should be possible in SoapUI.
But, considering that the question was posted to the ServiceVirtualization board but not to the SoapUI one, this is what I did using ServiceV:
-- For the POST /rest/submit VirtAction I set dispatch style to Script;
-- Pasted this code to the script dispatch window:
def attachments = mockRequest.getRequestAttachments(); // attachments.size(); //def attachmentName = attachments[0].name; // "Name: $attachmentName"; // "URL: ${attachments[0].url}"; // "Part: ${attachments[0].part}"; // "Encoding: ${attachments[0].contentEncoding}"; def attachmentInputStream = attachments[0].inputStream; def textValue = new String(attachmentInputStream.bytes, "UTF-8"); // textValue; context.setProperty("textFileValue", textValue); /* // This part of code will save attachment's content to the file def attachmentContent = attachmentInputStream def file = new File("D:\\$attachmentName"); file.append(attachmentInputStream); */ attachmentInputStream.close(); // context.getProperty("textFileValue").toString();
-- For the response that will be sent as reply I opened Script section (will be on the right after you click on the response name) and entered this code:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput def textParam = context.getProperty("textFileValue").toString(); def payload = '{ "id" : "' + textParam + '"}'; //; def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(payload.toString());; mockResponse.responseContent = new JsonOutput().toJson(json);
And I got the value from request attachment as a value of the id json entry in response.
You will need to:
a) Write the code that will extract required value from the textFileValue property; and
b) Define the proper json structure for the payload variable.
Hope this will help.
P.S. In case you need to implement the same approach but in SoapUI, I believe that it will be not a problem to adopt the above code for SoapUI.