Forum Discussion

aosorio's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

How do I send REST request with the oauth parameters ?

How do I send REST request with the oauth parameters added in the URI (as input parameters)?

I have a specificaiton for a project that accesses a third party service -RESTfully and requires oAuth authentication. [It accepts only GET method, and no access token is required since I will be trying to access the protected resources using consumer key and consumer secret values along with the oauth parameters.]

I am using SoapUI-Pro 4.6.1 and tried sending a GET request with oauth parameters as authorization header using signpost method, but my project accepts only when the oauth parameters are sent in the URL.

So, when I generate oauth signature, nonce and timestamp values manually using this link- and update it in my request URL, it is working fine.

Sample URL:

Instead of this manual step, is there a way to generate oauth_signature, oauth_timestamp & oauth_nonce values automatically and then use it in the request URI as an input parameter?

Alfredo Osorio