Hi - I am using ReadyAPI 2.4.0 to read an excel file but the formulas don't appear to be evaluated
Hi - I am using ReadyAPI 2.4.0 to read an excel file of expected results which are asserted again an online search result - but embedded formulas don't appear to be evaluated. The formulas in question are those relating to date calculations as some of our test data is date aged to always be a set age. e.g 6 months 3 days old or 2 years and 1 day etc. This is done in order that we can check the correct functioning at the boundaries.
examples of formulas are shown below:
The formulas work perfectly within MS Excel and when I open the spreadsheet they update to show the date or number of months in relation to today - but if the data is accessed via soapui the date or number of months is calculated relative to when the MS Excel file was last saved and the assertions fail.
I tried the Evaluate formulas tick box on the configuration page for the Excel datasource but that has no effect.
If I open and re-save the excel file before running the tests all works well - but as these test are intended to be automated this is not a desired solution.
Does anyone know how I can make SoapUI evaluate the formulas?
"=((YEAR(TODAY())*12 + MONTH(TODAY()))-(YEAR(EDATE(TODAY(),-(67))-(-4))*12 + MONTH(EDATE(TODAY(),-(67))-(-4))))"