Forum Discussion

Ashish44's avatar
New Member
2 years ago

Hanging the script when executing Groovy syntax



I recently downloaded newer version of Ready API 3.48.0, from then on when I try to execute my scripts. It is hanging while executing the groovy script. Please help me out.


Thanks in  Advance.


  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey Ashish44 


    Have you reviewed the ReadyAPI logs to see if anything is reported when you try executing your groovy scripts?


    Are you running Windows?  what is reported for ReadyAPI in Windows TaskManager when it hangs?





    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      Hey Ashish44 


      yeah groovyguy actually raises a fair point - I was assuming you went from the immediately previous version (whatever that was) and that it worked in that version but now does not in the latest.  Can you confirm which was your previous version?





  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    Can you try the script in the previous version of ReadyAPI? Can you provide it here so we can see what's happening? The more details you can provide, the more able and better we are in helping.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Icon for Champion Level 2 rankChampion Level 2
    In general, it is noticed in the forum that the users upgrade to latest just because the tool shows the pop-up notification without checking what's in the new release and landing into trouble.
    It is suggested that upgrade only when there is compelling reason.