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alibaba82's avatar
Super Contributor
18 years ago

Groovy SQL.execute help

On your example at ... view&id=57
you have a groovy statement
sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/eviware_demo_datainsert", "evidemo", "evipass", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")

I tried to do something similar but i get an error when I try to run the groovy script. I use the same parameters in the datasource step without any problem. Can you tell me if my groovy script is wrong.

DataSource parameters
Connection String

corresponding sql.execute statement:
sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://:1433/", "", "","")

when I run the above groovy statement, I get the following error.

Thu May 24 18:12:46 PDT The port number 1433/is not valid.

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong.



4 Replies

  • No,

    It looks perfectly fine.

    Hmm, what happens if you Telnet to the database?

    If you choose start/run... and write cmd
    and then write "telnet computer port" (for example "telnet srv-myServer 1433" or "telnet localhost 1433") does it connect?

  • alibaba82's avatar
    Super Contributor
    I tried 'telnet and it seemed like it connected.

    Have I specified the password correctly. I think '$' is escape character in groovy but it is also part of my password. my password (which is changed a little is 'passdev1$'. The actual statement which gives the error is below. I have changed some sensitive information.

    import groovy.sql.Sql
    sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://exampledb1:1433/intwebp2", "username", "passdev1\$","")

    Tue May 29 16:37:41 PDT The port number 1433/intwebp2 is not valid.


  • I digged into it, and it's really weird. It seems there is a conflict between Groovy SQL and MS SQL. I am not sure yet, but it seems that Groovy passes connection info wrong to SQl Server. Specifically, it sends the database name into the port number.

    Here is my workaround.

    sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1898", "eviware", "eviware",

    sql.execute("insert into eviware_demo_datainsert.dbo.eviware_tb_datainsert (Author, NumberOfBooks) values (${AuthorName}, ${ResultCount})")

    That is; I removed the database name from the connection string (jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1898" insted of jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1898/eviware_demo_datainsert" )

    and moved it to the query itself

    (eviware_demo_datainsert.dbo.eviware_tb_datainsert (Author, NumberOfBooks) values (${AuthorName}, ${ResultCount})") instead of eviware_tb_datainsert (Author, NumberOfBooks) values (${AuthorName}, ${ResultCount})"))

    Here is the full Groovy code to replace the code in the example:


    import groovy.sql.Sql

    def authorStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "GetData" )
    def resultStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "ResultProperties" )
        AuthorName = authorStep.getPropertyValue( "Author" )
    ResultCount = resultStep.getPropertyValue( "TotalResults" )

    sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1898", "eviware", "eviware",

    sql.execute("insert into eviware_demo_datainsert.dbo.eviware_tb_datainsert (Author, NumberOfBooks) values (${AuthorName}, ${ResultCount})")
  • DOH!

    I thought this was the first i tried. Try the following:

    import groovy.sql.Sql

    def authorStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "GetData" )
    def resultStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "ResultProperties" )
        AuthorName = authorStep.getPropertyValue( "Author" )
    ResultCount = resultStep.getPropertyValue( "TotalResults" )

    sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1898;

    sql.execute("insert into dbo.eviware_tb_datainsert (Author, NumberOfBooks) values (${AuthorName}, ${ResultCount})")

    What I've corrected is the connection string to be exactly like the one in the datasource tutorial.
