Forum Discussion

ashu248's avatar
7 years ago

get soapui version using cmd


how can we find soapui is installed on machine or not using command prompt.


like java after setting JAVA_HOME and path we are able to find the version on cmd using java -version


Is there a way to set environment variable for soapui and refer it like above example on cmd?

  • nmrao's avatar
    7 years ago


    You may define environment variable say READYAPI_HOME in that machine and define the value.

    While invoking, call


    In the command line, you can see the value of the READYAPI installation location by running command

    echo %READYAPI_HOME%

    Before defining the environment variable, command returns nothing.

    Not sure about maven though.

    • ashu248's avatar


      we are having a slave machine on jenkins server and want to execute or project.xml file using testRunner.bat file.

      i don't know the installation directory of soapUi.


      basically, we have to run our job from jenkins firstly i tried with maven while running the project i am getting Peer not Authenticated Exception.

      cmd:- mvn test"path of file""="password"


      i tried to run with testRunner.bat it's working fine.

      my concern is to know is there any option to invoke the testRunner.bat using environment variable and is their other way to access the SSL certificates using maven.


      please suggest...




      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2


        You may define environment variable say READYAPI_HOME in that machine and define the value.

        While invoking, call


        In the command line, you can see the value of the READYAPI installation location by running command

        echo %READYAPI_HOME%

        Before defining the environment variable, command returns nothing.

        Not sure about maven though.