Forum Discussion

potocnikn's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

Generator doesn't remember rate setting

Short description of the problem
- make test case
- make generator, runner, analysis, table log and connect all of them
- set generator to some rate of transactions PER MINUTE
- run it and in works normally

When saving projct, close it and reopen it and run it, generator makes the same number of transactions per SECOND and not per minute, as it was set when project was saved. But the setting on generatoris is still on MINUTE position. When I move to second (or hour), and back to minute, it works, as it sholud be.

I downloaded latest nightly build, but problem still exists
I have Win XP proffessional Version 2002, SP3

And there is another thing. When I install fresh copy of loadUI, loadUI.bat does not work. I have to run updateJavaFX, and then loadUI.bat. And it works fine.


3 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    I believe we've had this issue before, and that it was resolved. Are yuo sure you're using the latest nightly build from here? What is the Build Date? You can see this in the About Screen, which can be accessed by clicking on the loadUI icon menu in the top left of the application.

    Regarding the second issue, I'm not sure what would cause that.

  • potocnikn's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hello again.

    I made another installation from link, you send me, but the problem remains (I checked nightly build date). This happens only on random generator

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    You're right, there is an error in the Random generator! Thanks for reporting it, it should be fixed in the upcoming version 1.0.1 of loadUI, and also in tomorrows nightly build.
