Failed to initialize the connection that uses the [] driver
I am getting error "Failed to initialize the connection that uses the [] driver" in JDBC teststep.
Connection string: [jdbc:db2://<MyDB2ServerName>:<Portnumber>/<DatabaseName>?user=<UserName>&password=#####;].
The database is a DB2 database (on AS400 i think). I have installed the db2jcc.jar file in folder: ReadyAPI-2.5.0\bin\ext
Can someone help with this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Just today I got a solution with support of our IT-Support department. :smileyhappy:
The solution is to use jt400.jar. This file is provided to me by the IT-Support department. Copy the file to in bin/ext folder. Enter the following in SoapUI Pro JDBC test step:
Connection String: jdbc:as400://<host_name>/<default-schema>;<properties>
All works great!