Forum Discussion

tamnor's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Extracting value from requestBody and using it in mockResponse


I am using Service V to create a mock response and I want to extract data from the json request body and use it in the response.


The following is the json request body ..


  "employName": "Pat McGraff",
  "companyId": "80966",
  "contactDetails": {
    "emailAddress": "",
    "phoneNumber": "8427306667"


I basically want to just use this same block in my mock response with additional data e.g. the response body would be 

  "employName": "Pat McGraff",
  "companyId": "80966",
  "contactDetails": {
    "emailAddress": "",
    "phoneNumber": "8427306667"
  "company": "company123",
  "location": "India",
  "client": "client123",
  "team": "BIG"

Is there a way I can do this using the context and requestContext in Service V in the scripting dispatch method?


Many thanks.




1 Reply

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Yes, this seems to be possible.

    Using this reference ( I entered the following code in the Script field of default response and got the expected result in the mock response.

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    import groovy.json.JsonOutput
    def payload = mockRequest.requestContent
    def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(payload.toString())
    def myData = [
    "company": "company123",
    "location": "India",
    "client": "client123",
    "team": "BIG"
    json << myData
    mockResponse.responseContent = new JsonOutput().toJson(json)