Forum Discussion
Thanks Tanya for the inputs. I have tried giving the absolute path of the settings.xml eariler also like this
On executing, it is identifying that the E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation project, but it doesn't get the testsuite inside the settings.xml. Please see the console output
13:50:00,159 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Running tests in the project [E2E_HZN3_SoapUI_Automation]
[ERROR] java.lang.Exception: A test suite with the name [E2E_HZN3_UseCases] is missing in the project [E2E_HZN3_SoapUI_Automation]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 16.850 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-02-02T13:50:00+05:30
[INFO] Final Memory: 41M/354M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.smartbear:ready-api-maven-plugin:1.9.0:test (default) on project E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation-project: Ready! API Test(s) failed: Ready! API Test(s) failed:
[ERROR] A test suite with the name [E2E_HZN3_UseCases] is missing in the project [E2E_HZN3_SoapUI_Automation]
But on trying to import as composite project in Ready API, it is importing all the testsuites in Ready API.
Also I am able to execute the testcases in the testsuite on running testrunner.bat
%soapUIHome%\testrunner.bat -sE2E_HZN3_UseCases(This will execute the testcases in the test suite)
Only on executing as maven project, it is not getting the testsuites inside the project.
One Doubt I have is that the testsuites are inside E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation-project in E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation folder. But on importing as composite project, we are giving the path till E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation folder only. How they are taking the testsuites and settings.xml inside E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation-project folder
Please correct if we are wrong anywhere
Hello Syamaprasad
Did you try to run it with the following configuration (no settings.xml in the projectFile property, only the directory path)
- rohitvarsha128 years agoContributor
Hey Did you get solution for this problem ?? I am also facing same problem.
Here is how my pom.xml looks
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!--Add the SmartBear Ready! API plugin repository.-->
<!--Maven will download the plugin from the specified URL.-->
<plugin><!--Plugin groupID used to uniquely identify the project with the plugin.-->
<!--Plugin artifactId used to find the plugin in the project.-->
<!--Specifies your Ready! API version. Maven will use the appropriate plugin version.-->
<!-- IMPORTANT: Must be the same as your Ready! API version.-->
<execution><!--Specifies the lifecycle phase to run Ready! API tests .-->
<!--We recommend using the test phase.-->
<!--Do not change. Commands Maven plugin to run a functional test.-->
<!--Required. Specifies the path to the project to execute.-->
<!--Required for reports. Specifies the format of the report to generate.-->
<!--Possible values: PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT and XML. Only available in Ready! API Pro. --> <reportFormat>PDF</reportFormat>
<!--Required for Maven Surefire reports. Must be true. -->
<!--Commands Ready! API to generate JUnit-style reports.-->
<!--Required for Maven Surefire reports. Must be as shown. -->
<!--Specifies the folder to store reports in. -->
<reports>${basedir}/target/surefire-reports</reports><!-- ========= Additional elements ============= -->
<!--Specifies the name of the test suite to run.-->
<!--Specifies the name of the test case to run.-->
<!--Specifies the tags to use. Only the test cases with specified tags will be run. Use the syntax below. -->
<!--tags><param>TestCase tag1, tag2</param></tags-->
<!--Overrides service endpoints specified in the test. -->
<!--Overrides the host specified in the the test.-->
<!--Overrides user name for all requests.-->
<!--Overrides passwords for all requests.-->
<!--Overrides domain used for requests.-->
<!--If true, commands Maven to create a printed report.-->
<!--Sets the output folder for reports.-->
<!--If true, commands Maven to export all requests.-->
<!--Specifies the SoapUI settings file to use.-->
<!--Specifies the type of WSS password.-->
<!--Specifies the password for an encrypted project.-->
<!--project.password></project.password -->
<!--Specifies the password for an encrypted settings file.-->
<!--Specifies the value of a global property for the test run. Syntax: <variable>=<value>-->-->
<!--Specifies the value of a project property for the test run. Syntax: <variable>=<value>-->
<!--Saves the project after the test run.-->
<!--If true, commands Maven to continue the test run even when an assertion triggers.-->
<!--Specifies the report type. Only available in Ready! API Pro.-->
<!--Click Reporting on Ready! API toolbar to find the list of available repors.-->
<!--Enables HTML coverage reports. Only available in Ready! API Pro.-->
<!--Specifies the environment to use in the test run. Only available in Ready! API Pro.-->
<!--Provides access to Ready! API properties.-->
<!--If true, Ready! API will not send usage statistics.-->
<!--optOutUsageStatistics></optOutUsageStatistics--><!-- ========= /Additional elements ============= -->
</plugin><!--Add Maven Site Plugin to improve test stability and prepare test data for Maven SureFire.-->
<!--Add Maven SureFire Plugin to generate JUnit XML reports.-->
Issues I am facing:
1. Reports are getting created at pom.xml location
2. All test cases are showing as failed.
Below is log on console:
- redfish4ktc28 years agoSuper Contributor
rohitvarsha12it seems you are not using a composite project.
For issue "1. Reports are getting created at pom.xml location", in the configuration, set the <outputFolder> value to the folder where you want reports to be created
- rohitvarsha128 years agoContributor
Sorry i am new to this. What is composite project?
Can you please share pom file i should be using to avoid these problems?
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