Forum Discussion
Hi Syamaprasad,
As you are using a composite project, you need to specify the catalog of your project in your POM (the catalog where settings.xml is located):
<projectFile>PATH TO YOUR CATALOG</projectFile>
- Syamaprasad8 years agoNew Contributor
Thanks Tanya for the inputs. I have tried giving the absolute path of the settings.xml eariler also like this
On executing, it is identifying that the E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation project, but it doesn't get the testsuite inside the settings.xml. Please see the console output
13:50:00,159 INFO [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Running tests in the project [E2E_HZN3_SoapUI_Automation]
[ERROR] java.lang.Exception: A test suite with the name [E2E_HZN3_UseCases] is missing in the project [E2E_HZN3_SoapUI_Automation]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 16.850 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-02-02T13:50:00+05:30
[INFO] Final Memory: 41M/354M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.smartbear:ready-api-maven-plugin:1.9.0:test (default) on project E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation-project: Ready! API Test(s) failed: Ready! API Test(s) failed:
[ERROR] A test suite with the name [E2E_HZN3_UseCases] is missing in the project [E2E_HZN3_SoapUI_Automation]But on trying to import as composite project in Ready API, it is importing all the testsuites in Ready API.
Also I am able to execute the testcases in the testsuite on running testrunner.bat
%soapUIHome%\testrunner.bat -sE2E_HZN3_UseCases(This will execute the testcases in the test suite)
Only on executing as maven project, it is not getting the testsuites inside the project.
One Doubt I have is that the testsuites are inside E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation-project in E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation folder. But on importing as composite project, we are giving the path till E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation folder only. How they are taking the testsuites and settings.xml inside E2E_HZN3-SoapUI-Automation-project folder
Please correct if we are wrong anywhere
- redfish4ktc28 years agoSuper Contributor
Hello Syamaprasad
Did you try to run it with the following configuration (no settings.xml in the projectFile property, only the directory path)
- rohitvarsha128 years agoContributor
Hey Did you get solution for this problem ?? I am also facing same problem.
Here is how my pom.xml looks
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!--Add the SmartBear Ready! API plugin repository.-->
<!--Maven will download the plugin from the specified URL.-->
<plugin><!--Plugin groupID used to uniquely identify the project with the plugin.-->
<!--Plugin artifactId used to find the plugin in the project.-->
<!--Specifies your Ready! API version. Maven will use the appropriate plugin version.-->
<!-- IMPORTANT: Must be the same as your Ready! API version.-->
<execution><!--Specifies the lifecycle phase to run Ready! API tests .-->
<!--We recommend using the test phase.-->
<!--Do not change. Commands Maven plugin to run a functional test.-->
<!--Required. Specifies the path to the project to execute.-->
<!--Required for reports. Specifies the format of the report to generate.-->
<!--Possible values: PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT and XML. Only available in Ready! API Pro. --> <reportFormat>PDF</reportFormat>
<!--Required for Maven Surefire reports. Must be true. -->
<!--Commands Ready! API to generate JUnit-style reports.-->
<!--Required for Maven Surefire reports. Must be as shown. -->
<!--Specifies the folder to store reports in. -->
<reports>${basedir}/target/surefire-reports</reports><!-- ========= Additional elements ============= -->
<!--Specifies the name of the test suite to run.-->
<!--Specifies the name of the test case to run.-->
<!--Specifies the tags to use. Only the test cases with specified tags will be run. Use the syntax below. -->
<!--tags><param>TestCase tag1, tag2</param></tags-->
<!--Overrides service endpoints specified in the test. -->
<!--Overrides the host specified in the the test.-->
<!--Overrides user name for all requests.-->
<!--Overrides passwords for all requests.-->
<!--Overrides domain used for requests.-->
<!--If true, commands Maven to create a printed report.-->
<!--Sets the output folder for reports.-->
<!--If true, commands Maven to export all requests.-->
<!--Specifies the SoapUI settings file to use.-->
<!--Specifies the type of WSS password.-->
<!--Specifies the password for an encrypted project.-->
<!--project.password></project.password -->
<!--Specifies the password for an encrypted settings file.-->
<!--Specifies the value of a global property for the test run. Syntax: <variable>=<value>-->-->
<!--Specifies the value of a project property for the test run. Syntax: <variable>=<value>-->
<!--Saves the project after the test run.-->
<!--If true, commands Maven to continue the test run even when an assertion triggers.-->
<!--Specifies the report type. Only available in Ready! API Pro.-->
<!--Click Reporting on Ready! API toolbar to find the list of available repors.-->
<!--Enables HTML coverage reports. Only available in Ready! API Pro.-->
<!--Specifies the environment to use in the test run. Only available in Ready! API Pro.-->
<!--Provides access to Ready! API properties.-->
<!--If true, Ready! API will not send usage statistics.-->
<!--optOutUsageStatistics></optOutUsageStatistics--><!-- ========= /Additional elements ============= -->
</plugin><!--Add Maven Site Plugin to improve test stability and prepare test data for Maven SureFire.-->
<!--Add Maven SureFire Plugin to generate JUnit XML reports.-->
Issues I am facing:
1. Reports are getting created at pom.xml location
2. All test cases are showing as failed.
Below is log on console:
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