Forum Discussion

SJRank's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

Error getting Response; null

I have a SOAP call that returns a large amount of data - approximately 73 MB. When I first open SoapUI this call will load correctly. SoapUI memory log indicates 831MB used. If I rerun the call (green arrow) I get the error in the subject line of this post. The HTTP Log shows that the response is fully recieved.

It appears that if the action of running a call would clear out the response and release the used memory that SoapUI might function as excepted. I can close the app and reopen it to get the call to work again so this seems reasonable. Another option could be to allow the response to be removed by the user.
  • [Solved] I was getting the message "error getting response; null".

    I added the files "wss4j-1.6.18.jar" and "xmlsec-1.5.8.jar" as shown below in SoapUI 5.4.0. so i solved my problem about that message. You can get the lib files "wss4j-1.6.18.jar" and "xmlsec-1.5.8.jar" from ReadyAPI 2.6.0 that you downloaded .


3 Replies

  • Hi,

    I was struggling with exactly the same issue!

    In the end, I've found one really simple solution:

    In the Request Properties panel, there is option Max Size, if you set this to, lets say, 1048576 (1MB), SoapUI won't load more than 1MB of result into memory.

    If you use this with Dump File property in the same panel, you can easily dump complete response to the file, thus avoiding memory usage.


    Vanja Petreski
  • SJRank's avatar
    New Contributor
    Great! Thanks alot. This is exactly what I needed. Interestingly, you don't need to set a response size limit for this to work. Leaving 0 in the field you will still get the full response in the response pane. Still works great and I get the file to use/parse/test/save/compare/etc.

    Also, the file location must be a known subdirectory. Missing subdirectories will not get created.
  • cihanasan's avatar
    New Contributor

    [Solved] I was getting the message "error getting response; null".

    I added the files "wss4j-1.6.18.jar" and "xmlsec-1.5.8.jar" as shown below in SoapUI 5.4.0. so i solved my problem about that message. You can get the lib files "wss4j-1.6.18.jar" and "xmlsec-1.5.8.jar" from ReadyAPI 2.6.0 that you downloaded .