Forum Discussion

eelzinga's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

Duration loadui tests

I have a loadui project which consists of like 20 testcases.
In every testcase i have an average of 4 soapui runners which all call individual operations on my webservices.

I use the loadui-cmd command to run a test with a limit of 4hours (14400)

loadUI-cmd.bat -Dmycustomploaduiproperty=100 -F XLS -L 14400:0:0 -l -nofx -p "my_loadui_project.xml" -r d:/my_output_directory

After the total run is completed, it generates a nice xls document for me with duration of all the tests.
I can't find out what a few of these durations mean :

TIME : 05:00:00 (I told the loadui-cmd to do a test of 4hours. Why does the total run eventually take 5hours) What is happening in the 1hour extra?

Execution Data
Execution Time 04:00:00
Start Time 01:05:12
End Time 05:05:12
(these numbers are correct, 4hours)

In the overview of all the testcases it shows
mytestcase1 05:01:23
mytestcase2 05:01:23
mytestcase3 05:01:23

What is the meaning of 05:01:23? (the moment of when the testcase is finished and it collected the results?)
All finished at the same moment?
Execution Notables

Top 5 Requests
myTestOperationl 154750 07:21:27 0

What is the meaning of 154750 (it's not amount of time for 1 call, and also not the sum of all calls)
What is the meaning of 07:21:27 (my test runs 4hours, guess it does something for the duration of 5hours, but can't imagine anything would happen around 07:21:27).