Forum Discussion

biiincheeen's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Does LoadUI send more requests than it records?

Dear LoadUI community,
I recently face the following phenomen:
I am sending 100 requests with LoadUI to my Server (at least LoadUI makes me think, that I do so, because it only records 100 requests in the components).
But when I take a look in the http log of my server, I have always a bit more than 100 requests for my service (sometimes one more, sometimes 2 more...).
I am sending requests with a frequence of 1/second, with a burst rate of 1.

So I was wondering, if LoadUI is sometimes sending more requests than it records? Is this possible?

2 Replies

  • biiincheeen's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I finally decided to count the log entries that I created through the tabel log and it seems, that the tabel log only recorded 98 requests, even 100 were send.
    Is this a bug?
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    The reason for this is due to how loadUI handles test execution. Once a test stops, messages are no longer propagated through wires, meaning that any request which is still in progress won't be logged to the TableLog once it is done, unfortunately. We're working on improving this behaviour.

    SmartBear Software