Forum Discussion

kbw's avatar
9 years ago

Defect: Test steps fail to take authorization from Environment settings

In Ready API! Pro 1.7 test cases are failing to take the authorization that is configured in the Environment. This also affects 1.6.


We have hundreds of test cases that have no authorization configured, by default, and we rely on the Authorization being taken from the Environment settings.  In Ready API Pro 1.5 and earlier when an environment is set, this has always worked without an issue.


However, while testing 1.7 to see if we can upgrade, we've found that the environment's authorization is no longer being used by any test steps--not even when authorization is set to "Inherit from Parent".


Further, we've noticed these differences between 1.5 and earlier and 1.6+:

In 1.5 and earlier, when environment is selected, then test step auth tab content for changing auth is disabled--since it's being taken from the environment.


However, in 1.6+ the test step auth tab items always remain enabled, even when an environment is selected, and whatever you've selected for the step is always used, even when the enviroment DOES have authorization configured.


We don't know if this an intentional change or a defect, but even if it is intentionall, it does appear that there is some defect related to it--now under NO situation is the Environement's auth used, which doesn't make sense.


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create a simple project with an outbount soap request

2. Set it's auth to Inherit from Parent, or No Authorization

3. Create a new Environment

4. In the Environment settings, configure the end-point to use an a basic-auth profile (create one if needed)

5. Save your environment settings

6. Set the environment that you just created

7. Run the test step



In 1.3.1 the enviroment authorization is always sent

In 1.7 no authorization is sent (or if you give the test step it's own auth, that is sent, instead of environment's)


Work around 1: If you have enviroments that use different auth credentials, when you switch environments, you'll also have to separately use the auth-manager to copy the different auth profile for all of your tests.  This is awkward, and error-prone--we shouldn't have to change enviroments and authorization separately.


Work-around 2: Remain on an older version of Ready API until this is addressed. In our case that is 1.3.1, due to an unrelated blocking defect in 1.4 and 1.5 (which is fixed in 1.7).

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    9 years ago

    Hi kbw,


    I've got news from our Dev Team - this issue has been fixed. Here is a quote from them: 

    "when the auth profile is selected into the Environment Endpoint Data the Profile Selection dialog appears and you can choose if the profile should be applied to all service descendants."


    You can download the latest Ready! API maintenance build to check this.

    Please let us know if the issue still persists in your case.


4 Replies

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hello kbw,


    Thanks for reporting this issue and thanks for sharing workarounds you've found!

    I've resent your description to our R&D Team.


    • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi kbw,


      I've got news from our Dev Team - this issue has been fixed. Here is a quote from them: 

      "when the auth profile is selected into the Environment Endpoint Data the Profile Selection dialog appears and you can choose if the profile should be applied to all service descendants."


      You can download the latest Ready! API maintenance build to check this.

      Please let us know if the issue still persists in your case.


      • kbw's avatar

        Thanks Tanya,


        Interesting solution, I just tried it out a bit in the nightly, seems to be an OK compromise.


        We'll hold off on upgrading Ready API until the next release though--don't want to rely on the nightly builds for our normal usage.