decoding a string that contains a json that contains an array
I have problems with converting strings to json.
Typically I have requests that send me a String response like the one below and I have to compare it with another request's result. The second request gives almost the same result, the sole difference being the order of elements in the array (value = [{type=DAILY ...).
In my groovy script, if I compare the strings results that I get from my requests, it fails (due to different order).
If I try to use a jsonSlurper, I get errors.I thought it could work.
Is there another way I can parse the responses so I can compare each element one by one ?
Value to compare :
{satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value={satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value=[{type=DAILY, description=null, configuration={allXDays=1, timeProgramMode=TIME, startDate=2019-02-28, time=08:10:29}, id=guid], metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}, metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}
Reference value :
{satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value={satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value=[{type=DAILY, description=null, configuration={allXDays=1, time=08:10:29, timeProgramMode=TIME, startDate=2019-02-28}, id=guid], metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}, metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}
Hello krogold
The content of your example values are not valid JSON, so it is no wonder that your JSONSlurper attempt is throwing errors. I am not familiar with a tool that will parse this format, so breaking it down into the lowest common denominator is what I would do...
Since the format is basically static between the two values you want to compare, how about just splitting each the same way (with a little tweak for a common difference), then sorting so that they are both in the same order, then compare the sorted results. A basic sanity check is that they both split into an equal number of elements. The next check could be line by line of the sorted results to see if there are differences. The following code compares the two string values you supplied. The run of this groovy script shows they are equal. To see a failure, modifying either "refStr" or "compStr" (i.e. add an extra character in a word) to trigger an assertion error.
TNeuschwanger 'Test Step "' + + '" start...'; ""; def refStr = "{satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value={satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value=[{type=DAILY, description=null, configuration={allXDays=1, time=08:10:29, timeProgramMode=TIME, startDate=2019-02-28}, id=guid], metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}, metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}"; refStr = refStr.replaceAll('}', ''); // without this, there is a close brace whose result is only differentiated by its existance def refStrList = refStr.split(); def refStrListSorted = refStrList.sort(); "refStrList.size()=" + refStrList.size(); refStrList.each { element -> "element=" + element; }; ""; ""; refStrListSorted.each { element -> "element=" + element; }; ""; "=================================================="; ""; def compStr = "{satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value={satisfied=true, dynamic_href/properties/triggers, name=triggers, value=[{type=DAILY, description=null, configuration={allXDays=1, timeProgramMode=TIME, startDate=2019-02-28, time=08:10:29}, id=guid], metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}, metadata={satisfied=true, href=/m2m/fim/metadata/items/com.hager.domovea.automation.sequence.Sequence/properties/triggers, name=null, description=null, type=null, classes=null, regex=null, min=null, max=null, step=null, enumeration=null, beanMetadata=null, readable=null, writable=null, eventable=null, asyncStatusPropertyName=null, attributes=null}, asyncStatusProperty=null}"; compStr = compStr.replaceAll('}', ''); // without this, there is a close brace whose result is only differentiated by its existance def compStrList = compStr.split(); def compStrListSorted = compStrList.sort(); "compStrList.size()=" + compStrList.size(); compStrList.each { element -> "element=" + element; }; ""; ""; compStrListSorted.each { element -> "element=" + element; }; ""; "=================================================="; ""; // sanity check... "refStrList.size()=" + refStrList.size(); "compStrList.size()=" + compStrList.size(); assert refStrList.size().equals(compStrList.size()), "Mismatch - There are ${refStrList.size()} reference values and ${compStrList.size()} compare values"; // sorted line by sorted line check... refStrListSorted.eachWithIndex { refValue, idx -> def compValue = compStrListSorted[idx]; if ( refValue != compValue ) { "refValue=" + refValue + " " + idx; "compValue=" + compValue + " " + idx; assert refValue.equals(compValue), "Mismatch - At index $idx the referece value '$refValue' does not match the comparison value '$compValue'"; }; }; // If we get here, then the contents are equal ""; " *** Reference and Compare strings are equal ***"; ""; 'Test Step "' + + '" done...';