ok - I'm guessing it likely to be a problem with the syntax then.
Have you confirmed that you can run a different query from the same JDBC step?
I'm suggesting the above - just to ensure there's nothing wrong with the step object itself.
Have you tried running a different UPDATE query on the same JDBC step (something simpler that doesn't actually update anything)?
Possible changes I would make to the query are as follows:
1. Remove the semi colon at the end of your query.....yes I agree a semi colon is used to end a clause in SQL but I stopped using semi colons in SoapUI when they were causing me problems.
2. Secondly - do you need to specify the ODM schema in front of the PROMO table? if you're already connecting to the correct schema, this isn't necessary. the only reason I'm guessing you are using the schema alias would be if the schema/user you are using to connect is not the ODM schema....is this correct? If you can dump it - get rid of the schema alias.
3. Thirdly I'd to_date the PROMO_END_TMSTMP value - I never really had problems with dates in SoapUI in DB2, but I do with Oracle and so I just got into the habit of using to_date- adds a little more control
4. Fourthly - can you confirm PROMO_STATUS attribute is a varchar/char type rather than a numeric? Currently looks like a text value considering you've wrapped the value in quote marks.
update PROMO
set PROMO_END_TMSTMP = to_date('2018-11-01', '%Y-%m-%d')
where PROMO_CATEGORY_TYPE='Loyalty_Offers'
I had a quick google and the error code returned occurs when the resultset is empty - can you confirm you have records where PROMO_CATEGORY_TYPE='Loyalty_Offers' and PROMO_STATUS='1'????