Forum Discussion
Hello Abbas,
The connection string templates in R!API are customizable. You can edit them on the "JDBC drivers" tab in preferences.
In your case, I guess, you need to replace
where instead of "SERVICE" you need to provide your real service name (e.g. "orcl").
thank you TanyaGorbunova !!!!! It's working :)
Your solution is working for me but it's limiting me to test one database only. I have multiple environments and different service name for each data base.
Please suggest how to manage that.
Best regards,
- JKambli9 years agoStaff
If in a single Environment, if you use 1 database connection then on Databases tab > add 1 connection string.
Once you do that go to Environments > Add environment > JDBC connection > Edit the connection string for that environment.
- dd19849 years agoOccasional Contributor
I tried that but it's over riding the value of connection string i used in Environments with the connection String in JDBC driver.
Here is the set up for oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
1.Under preferences used jdbc:oracle:thin:<username>/<pwd>:host:port/servicename --service name say
2.Created single database entry in Databases jdbc:oracle:thin:<username>/<pwd>:host:port/
3.Create a test environement test with database where service name is same as i setup in preferences >JDBC driver
jdbc:oracle:thin:<username>/<pwd>:host:port/ --works fine
4.Create a test environement test 2 with database where service name is different say --being override with
So now service name in database string of 4th from above is being override by the service name i have used in 1st step above.
Please confirm if i missed anything.
Thank you!!
- JKambli9 years agoStaff
I cannot reproduce this issue on 1.7.0 version, make sure you edit the JDBC connection for other environment. I am not sure if I understand the exact issue, can you provide screenshots?
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