Confiure Composite Ready API Project in Azur pipeline
I have checked in my Ready API project to Github and I got the Composite Project structure which have 2 separate folder for API and Functional Test , and Also files like setting.xml project content and element order .
I tried to Set up Azure pilepline , in That whatever i give its not considering as Project file /Test Suite file and not able to trigger my Test Cases from Azur .
In Local machine i can see single Project.xml file and i pushed that file to git and that i can use in Azur and its working. However ny way to use composite project either in jenkin or Azur ?
Hi VeenaDevi ; are you using the "Run ReadyAPI Tests from Azure" task?
This is the easiest way to run your tests from an Azure pipeline. Let me know if there is a reason it's not feasible.