Forum Discussion

sarad's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Compare results from 2 different db

i am not familiar with readyapi

i have 2 different dbs  and i want to compare specific records and fields between  these 2 dbs ,

not sure what is the correct way ,

should i create JDBC request OR DataSource of JDBC?

and also what is the correct way to compare between records? is there option to compare all the record and not each field separately and get the differences?


Thanks in advanced,

  • Hi,


    Personally, I would create two JDBC Request Steps.  Then I would use a Groovy script step that 'pulls' in the results from the two JDBC Request steps and compares them using an assertion.


    As for comparing the whole row or specific fields, I would say that depends on your requirement.

2 Replies

  • Hi,


    Personally, I would create two JDBC Request Steps.  Then I would use a Groovy script step that 'pulls' in the results from the two JDBC Request steps and compares them using an assertion.


    As for comparing the whole row or specific fields, I would say that depends on your requirement.

    • sarad's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks ChrisA 

      can you please give me an example how to assert whole row/specific fields?