10 years agoOccasional Visitor
Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints
I have a project that works fine in open source SOAPUI 5.1.2 but produces the following error in Ready!API 1.4.1: Error getting response; javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.C...
- 9 years ago
Please do the following to resolve the issue.
Comment out jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms in the java.security file. The java.security file is located in {Ready API install}\jre\lib\security directory. Also, add -Dsoapui.sslcontext.algorithm=TLSv1 in the Ready-API-1.4.1.vmoptions file and restart Ready API. The vmoptions file is located in {Ready API install}\bin directory on Windows and Linux.
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