Forum Discussion

kishore530's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Can we pass assertions of soap test step to another step in different project in soapui

Hello Friends,


i have a requirement to pass the assertions of a soap test step to another soap test step in different project in soapui. can this be done using project properties ? Please help.

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    What do you mean by "pass the assertions" to another soap test? Do you need to access the results? Do you need to re-use the same assertions? 

    • kishore530's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      hello msiadak, thanks for your promptness.

      Yes, we need to re-use dynamically the same assertions in another test step(which will be present in another project).

      dynamically here is - when we run the testStep1 in project1, the assertions available in testStep2 in project2 should run in testStep1(in project1)

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Not sure what type of assertions you are trying to use.

    If you can write some classes / methods with appropriate parameters, place them under scripts (library) and just call those methods with current step data as argument, which may be possible in just a single statement ( with script assertion).
  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero



    Is the 'Clone assertion' functionality not suitable for you?