With current nightbuild there is one more issue. When you run it in GUI mode and try to open any project, it disappear from project list.
There is one more issue. There is missing menu bar (this standard application menu, just below Ready! API image in top left corner).
Hard to check anything else.
I have the same problems as friends above. I run Ready! API 1.5.0 (20151106-1037) under Windows 7 Prof and JRE and trying to reach JMS located on Weblogic Server.
In attachments you will find stack from Error tab (jmsStack.log), always the same. I'm trying to connect to JMS in multiple ways, from Groovy scripts and stack occures in this code in the last line:
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.transports.jms.JMSConnectionHolder
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.transports.jms.util.HermesUtils
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.transports.jms.JMSEndpoint
import hermes.Hermes
import javax.jms.*
def ProjectJMSEndPoint = context.expand( '${#Project#JMSEndPoint}' )
/*get jmsEndpoint*/
def jmsEndpoint = new JMSEndpoint(ProjectJMSEndPoint)
/*static hermes.Hermes*/
def hermes = HermesUtils.getHermes( context.testCase.testSuite.project, jmsEndpoint.sessionName)
It also occures when I try to connect through existing JMS test step.
When I try to add new one, go through first few screens and select option to create a new endpoint, Hermes starts without any problem and sees all the queues but in Ready! API I see only something like in Capture.PNG.
Hermes runs without any problem, discovers new queues, reads from it and so on - screen hermes.PNG.
There are two more logs from Ready! API directory - hermes.log:
1) without lib folder in Ready! API root folder
2) with lib folder in Ready! API root folder and with some libs straight from hermes\lib\ext
Let me know if there is something more that I can do to help you find solution and prepare bugfix.