Forum Discussion

RK1's avatar
Regular Visitor
5 years ago

Breaking end point which has both domain and resources

hi there,


I need a help on Breaking end point which has both domain and resources


I have created test case using and /test/{Name} as my endpoint.
I coundn't use environment variables due to this practice.
is there a way to resolve this?

URI -{Name}
into endpoint as and /test/{Name} in resource path?


I have created a resource with multiple requests in it. I did a logical grouping of the API calls and put the complete URI
in the end point. now updating the path at the resouce level is updting all the the request path
so i can't individually update each request. How can i solve this issue?

thanks in advance.

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hi RK1,

    I'm struggling to understand what you mean. Can you clarify the following questions?

    You state you want to help "Breaking end point which has both domain and resources"
    What do you mean by "breaking an endpoint"?

    What do you mean when you say your endpoint has both "domain and resources"? Surely every endpoint has a domain and resources?

    Where you state you "have created test case using and /test/{Name} as my endpoint.
    I coundn't use environment variables due to this practice." What do you mean, you couldnt use environment variables due to this practice? What practice?

    Where you state "{Name}
    into endpoint as and /test/{Name} in resource path?" I dont understand what you mean by this? You have a server/host/domain value of '' and your endpoints URI is '/test/{Name}'

    Where you say " I did a logical grouping of the API calls and put the complete URI in the end point"
    What do you mean when you say you "put the complete URI in the endpoint"?
    A URL is a full address, so think protocol, server and path to the resource. URI vs URN vs URL can be a bir confusing depending on wjat webpage youre reading but the way a technical architect explained it to me was that the URI is not the full address, so think the path to the resource, so in your example the URI is '/test/{Name}'. So! What do you mean by putting the "complete URI into the endpoint"? How are you differentiating a URI to the endpoint?

    If you provide the answers clarifying the points and if you can provide some screenshots of what youre talking about this will no doubt help explain your issues.


  • RK1 :


    I think you want to parameterize your endpoint/URL which you are using for sending your Request

    if that is the case then please let me know if you need more further details.


    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Thank you everyone.


      RK1 were you able to solve the issue using the suggestions? Please mark the right answer as a solution.