8 years agoOccasional Contributor
bamboo variable
Hi SoapUI Community, Can bamboo variable be referred in soapUI *.xml file or in soapUI application? I have not came across any reading that mentioned about this. Thanks
Hi Roa,
Thank you for your help.
1) Yes, I would like to find out if I can pass bamboo variable/value to soapUI/readyAPI application or its *.xml file.
I did some google search. So far, there is no indication that this is possible.
2) Can the endpoint be parameterized? If so, can it be parameterized/trigger/pass to from bamboo?
For example, we are working on multiple environments, such as development, integration, and production environment. During test development, we are messing around inside development environment. During this time as well, we configure bamboo to run soapUI automatically with schedule. When everyone is ready to go to production, we would like to be able to pass in (change to .. or
My research shows that we can do a groovy script to parameterize the endpoint within soapui??. Is this the only way?
Also, I have not came across anything that mentions we can pass in dev or prod value from bamboo to soapUI.
Thank you
Hi Rao,
Is there a description or document reference to the "-e" somewhere?
Currently, bamboo is configured to run off maven task. For me to call soapUI project in maven, I am adding the <soapUI_project>.xml in the POM file.
Please refer to the snapshot in the attachments
Hi Rao,
I am managed to trigger SoapUI test cases execution from Bamboo via Maven. Look like my team does not want to use testrunner.bat. Maven manages the suites and test cases to be executed through a POM.xml file. Please refer to my snapshot below. Now, I can run from Bamboo all SoapUI test cases or 1 test case via Maven POM.xml configuration.
Do you have any idea on how to select a set of test cases or more than 1 test cases to be executed via Maven POM.xml configuration file??
In attachment provided: bamboo_maven_soapUI.png
Setting below will run 1 test case:
<testSuite>TestSuite 1 - MyProperty</testSuite>
<testCase>TestCase 3 - GET - ShipOrderService</testCase>
If "TestSuite 1 - MyProperty" and "TestCase 3 - GET - ShipOrderService" are removed as shown below, then all test cases in the suite will be executed. FYI: I only have 1 suite.