Forum Discussion

ilovechiku's avatar
9 years ago

AutoSave setting?



what should the auto save interval under UI setting should be so that the work is automatically saved.

Currently mine is set for 0 and observing that work isnt getting saved instantaneouly. 


have to manuallly save by save all projects ... is there any good save interval.


please help.

  • If you move your mousepointer over the interval field, the description is:

    "Set the autsave interval in minutes (0 means autosave is off)."

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    I am not sure 0 is valid, that why you might be facing that. Try to provide 5min or so.
    Have you checked in the preferences?
  • If you move your mousepointer over the interval field, the description is:

    "Set the autsave interval in minutes (0 means autosave is off)."

    • ilovechiku's avatar

      Thanks Marcos that was so well explained. I had overlooked the setting