Forum Discussion

annie's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Automation Testing


I need to automate my fuctional test case. As per SOAPUI website, it can be done in 3 ways:

1. By simply running the testcase from the command line.
2. Integrating with JUnit.
3. Using maven.

I want to know which is the best method to automate it, as I am a beginner for Groovy Script.

Also, apart executing the complete project at once from command line what else we can perform actions?


1 Reply

  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    1. command line: you need a soapui gui (from installer or unpacked archive).
    2. junit: you must put all soapui dependencies jar in your classpath. Currently, you have to manage this manually or use the maven plugin as dependency and use a build tool that manage transitive dependencies. You will have access to the whole soapui api which is very flexible
    3. maven: you don't need soapui gui (expect for soapui pro reports), the plugin will download all dependencies. You won't have access to the whole api but this should let you cover must of use case. The available options are quite the same than with the command line tool

    If you work in a team, you have external dependencies to run the test, you want to use a CI server, don't choose 1.

    command line: ... tests.html
    junit: ... junit.html