Auth Manager->Profile->Automation Scripts in 2.6 errors out
I have a lot of authentication profiles that use the automation tab to retreive tokens from a website. However, when upgrading from 2.5 to 2.6 of ReadyAPI my tests constantly fail this step at random and hang the entire test run.
Here is some example javascript I use to get my token. It has worked 100% of the time without fail in 2.5 and continues to work when even now with 2.5. However, with 2.6 the same exact code around 50% of the time results in a hang or an error page saying they can't display the page.
document.getElementsByName("username")[0].value = 'someusername';
document.getElementsByName("password")[0].value = 'somepassword';
Anyone else having similar issues? We really wanted to use the new git functionality but will have to stay at 2.5 until this is resolved.