Forum Discussion
Another one of the best feature of the product.
The second point is new to me. However, if I am not wrong, it is not required to convert Groovy into Java code. Groovy classes can be compiled and jar be created and used directory. Just have to use Groovy Compiler(groovyc) instead of Java compiler (javac).
Both the cases, user have to write class files and methods, but not the scripts.
The best part in the first approach is that in case if there is any change in the class, the tool takes care of compiling it on certain interval and reload the changes automatically. In the second case, user have to take care of compiling, creating jar. Need a restart of tool? Not sure.
Again, this is limited to Pro software.
In the open source also, user can leverage it using "Create class, compile and create jar; place it under /bin/ext directory" which is almost smilary to 2nd approach mentioned in the above, But changes to the classes needs a restart in Open Source.
Regarding the uses, limitless and of course depending on one's needs.
Couple of them here;
- saving the responses to a file
- parsing requests / responses
- complex / custom comparision used across the tests
Here is nice artcle written by our expert rupert_anderson
This is can be used by both open source and pro software users.
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