Forum Discussion

jbuttimer's avatar
10 years ago

Anyone using the multiple environment features? I'm having a problem

We have setup 5 different environments plus the Default Environment set up for our testing.


This is an awesome feature and we've put in a lot of work changing hundreds of test case steps to use multiple environments. Now we do not have to maintain a different set of scripts for each one. 


We are having an odd problem. Each Environment has Custome Properties with multiple fields, the first two being CUSTDBIP and CUSTDBNAME (Database IP Address/Database Name). There are others like login id/password, website name, user name, etc. 


Even though saving script and Environment, SoapUI NG is replacing the first two fields, CUSTDBIP and CUSDBNAME to what is in the Default Environment. No other fields are changed.


Anyone else see this happen? Have a solution? 

  • jbuttimer's avatar
    10 years ago

    Thanks to Jeshtha @Smartbear, we discovered the source of the problem. I'm posting it here on the slight chance that someone else runs into this.


    The problem arose because we had a a Load Script that set default environment when a Project is saved.This was fine when we only had one environment. After Smartbear introduced the ability to easily create multiple environments, we began using that model and added 5 environments. Because of employee turnover no one knew about the Load Script. Once we removed it, problem was solved. 

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Jbuttimer,


    I cannot reproduce it on my computer. I’m on Ready! API 1.4.1. Are you?

    • jbuttimer's avatar

      Thanks to Jeshtha @Smartbear, we discovered the source of the problem. I'm posting it here on the slight chance that someone else runs into this.


      The problem arose because we had a a Load Script that set default environment when a Project is saved.This was fine when we only had one environment. After Smartbear introduced the ability to easily create multiple environments, we began using that model and added 5 environments. Because of employee turnover no one knew about the Load Script. Once we removed it, problem was solved. 

      • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi Jbuttimer,


        Thanks for sharing the solution with us.


        And one more kudos for JKambli :)